Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI: Church ‘Verge of Collapse’ Due to Lack of ‘Convincing Shepherds’

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote a stormy defiant missive warning the Vatican and the global church that these changes being masqueraded by Pope Francis as the new revelations of God were blasphemes and that the “Catholic Church is on the verge of collapsing”.

In the text, Benedict said that Cardinal Meisner “found it difficult to leave his post, especially at a time in which the Church stands in particularly pressing need of convincing shepherds who can resist the dictatorship of the spirit of the age and who live and think the faith with determination.”

Ahh, Pope Francis’s ears must have been burning. And it shall only be a tinge of the pain that surely awaits your soul if you continue down the path of destruction that shall indeed inevitably destroy the Church of God.

What moved me all the more, Benedict said, was that, “in this last period of his life, he learned to let go and to live out of a deep conviction that the Lord does not abandon His Church, even when the boat has taken on so much water as to be on the verge of capsizing.”

Faith can’t be destroyed. Even if the church collapses – the true believers will still remain steadfast. Despite the ranks of the faithful ranging few and far between in this age of softness forsaking the notions of absolutes truth and moral authority. In which who is chief, not any mere man, nor even the Pope, but our dear Lord and heavenly savior.

Yet, few can argue with much success, however, that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was not indeed one of his most fierce defenders of the flock during his time here on earth so far. As such, it comes of little surprise to learn that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Archbishop Georg Gänswein shared such a close friendship.

Archbishop Georg Gänswein was another strong defender of the Church and of the everlasting truth and power of the words of the Lord, not the passing persuasions of men and world leaders.

Notably, Cardinal Meisner was one of the four cardinals who presented a series of questions, or “dubia,” to Pope Francis last September, asking him to clarify five serious doctrinal doubts proceeding from his 2016 apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love) concerning Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried, the indissolubility of marriage, and the proper role of conscience

Of course, Pope Francis couldn’t find it within himself to risk the humiliation of engaging in an intellectual discourse of the scriptures with true men of God.

When Pope Francis failed to respond to the dubia, the four cardinals published their questions publicly last November.

The Holy Father has decided not to respond,” they wrote. “We have interpreted his sovereign decision as an invitation to continue the reflection and the discussion, calmly and with respect.”

Although interestingly enough Pope Francis did manage to find the time to threaten Nigerian priests with permanent expulsion from the church if they failed to pledge their obedience to him in writing, not God, within 30 days.

Pope Francis claims that “ideological Christians” are a “serious illness” destroying the Church. And to clarify for any none Catholics reading this important and perhaps even historical update on the trajectory of the Church, “ideological” means those that actually follow the words of Jesus or the scriptures.

The severity of such a statement can not be overlooked by those who just wish for the Church to be in unity and for the new vision laid out by Pope Francis to bring people together or erase the differences between religions.

There is no Church if the words of the Lord are abandoned. A Church without a steadfast belief in the one true God that sent his only son Jesus to earth to be born of the Virgin Mary and bring us eternal life is nothing more than a mere social club.

Furthermore, the Catholic Church is not a Unitarian sect or worshiping Allah as the statement that “all religions worship the same God” would imply.

The leaked Podesta emails clearly reveal a conspiracy is in the works between the global elite such as Soros’s Open Society Foundation and the Vatican to bring about a new political order.

Pope Francis is serving the powers that be during his short fleeting life here on earth, not his heavenly Father. Satan is his master, and George Soros the only begotten son that he clearly so idolizes and protects, not the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was ousted by the Church for refusing to get down on bended knee to the trivial fleeting demands of those blindly trying to build a kingdom here on earth. He is a true servant of God and his kingdom and Lord in heaven, not earth. Even throughout all of his testing and being forced to go through the anguish of watching the Church be tossed about by the waves of communistic greed, he had remained steadfast.

“There have also been trials and difficult times, but through it all He has always led me and pulled me through, so that I could continue on my path,” he said

But, will the Church do likewise?

Source: Breitbart





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