Jeb Bush Raises Hand When Asked “Who Here is a Democrat?”

Is Bush secretly a Democrat? If you ask him, the answer — surprisingly — is yes, according to a town hall in South Carolina.

During a campaign rally for Jeb Bush, Sen. Lindsey Graham asked the crowd, “How many of you are Democrats” and Bush raised his hand.

Tuesday, during a campaign rally in South Carolina, the Daily Mail reports that several hands besides Bush’s went up as well.

It was a joke no doubt, but no one laughed, and in the era of the media soundbite and context-less reporting, the moment if anything, displays Jeb’s total inability to control his campaign’s message.

The isn’t the first unfortunate Jebism this season, and it won’t be the last. He’s been kicked out of his own events, he’s asked for applause when met with silence, and he’s relented his position as his party’s frontrunner. Well, Jeb, the voters have got you covered on that last one, you’re sure not the frontrunner anymore.

Source: Daily Caller



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