It looks like the remainder of the Obama administration is going to be a wild ride as he tries to incite the troops to mutiny, flood the nation with even more violent immigrants, issue odious executive orders, antagonize foreign nations, and just try to create as much trouble for Donald Trump to have to deal with as possible. In other words, just what we would expect.
So virulent is Mr. Obama’s hatred of anything approaching a traditional interpretation of the Second Amendment, and so intent is he on replacing Western culture in America with Islam and Sharia law, that he has taken to making absolutely outrageous and inflammatory remarks.
More on Obama’s attempts to wreak havoc in the United States in the waning days of his presidency is on page two.
Of course he will not blame the members of his religion.
He just wants to irritate, and aggravate people
He knows, he’s still trying
Can anyone be DUMMER than Obama?
you also built houses from the top down not bottom up