Merkel Makes Shocking Move Against Christian Social Union

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has shut down those from her sister political party begging her to put a cap on the number of refugees entering Germany.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel refused to place an upper limit on refugees that the country accepts, speaking in an annual interview broadcast on Sunday.

Distancing herself from the position of her conservative Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), Merkel, who leads the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), said placing a limit on refugees was not the way forward.

“As far as an upper limit is concerned, my position is clear: I will not accept it,” she said, saying that numbers could be reduced by regulation and taking action to prevent the situations that cause people to flee one country for another.

How can Merkel claim to belong to a Christian party? When Jesus walked into the temple and saw the merchants and the money changers turning the house of God into a crime filled marketplace – he got angry, turned over their tables, and DROVE them out! Pope Francis might preach that the love of Jesus requires people to get on board with mass unregulated migrant influxes. But, that has no basis in the scriptures. The Bible of the Globalist and their Lord and Savior George Soros, maybe. Not the true God.

And it’s no wonder that Christians have been fleeing Germany due to the skyrocketing crimes rates, rapes and persecution sweeping over their homeland.

Chancellor Merkel is nothing like Jesus.

She refuses to defend anyone but the globalist god George Soros. This is her response to migrant crime,

“We have to accept that the number of crimes committed by young migrants is especially high”

Jesus didn’t accept evil. He drove it out of his father’s house. There is a globalist plot a float to take down Christianity. And they’re attempting to do it from the inside. They want to trick people into believing that God wants them to do what the political leaders say. The warning here is that due to declining birth rates and the influx of Muslim migrants – Europe will soon be a Muslim continent and Christianity wiped out. Or will it? Will this be debauched agenda be prevented from happening right here in the U.S. as well?

We already have so many sanctuary cities. CA is trying to bypass all federal laws and create their own little liberal utopia or hell depending on your political persuasions. All it would take is 1 more socialist president like Obama for the floodgates to start opening up in America to the end of Christianity and Western culture as we know it today.

And we all know what happens to Christians once communism is the rule of the land or in Muslim societies. A time of great persecution is looming over the horizon. How will it be stopped?

Source: DW, BBC

Image: Whochit



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