Report: China and America Are At War, Pentagon Space Weapon Caused Tianjin Explosion, Retaliation for Yuan Devaluation

Since the explosion, China has been flying “black helicopters” across Beijing in formation. Chinese dissidents have taken numerous photos of these choppers and have delivered these photos exclusively to Natural News.

china black helicopters

A warning shot from the United States: Don’t crash the dollar or sell our debt

Chinese dissidents have told Natural News they have reason to believe the attack on Tianjin is a warning shot from the United States, which is terrified that China is on the verge of announcing its own gold-backed currency while declaring a fire sale on U.S. debt holdings.

The actions would collapse the U.S. dollar and destroy the U.S. economy, sending the United States into economic freefall. The “Rod of God” weapon deployment by the U.S. Pentagon, we’re told, was America’s “shot across the bow” to send a powerful warning message to China while disguising the attack as a domestic chemical explosion.

Timeline of events: China devalues currency, then Pentagon strikes in mere hours

Consider the calendar of events in all this:

August 11, 2015: China devalues the Yuan by 1.9%, sending “shockwaves” around the world and setting off “devastating” impact to the U.S. economy.

August 12, 2015: Tianjin struck by Pentagon’s secret “Rod of God” weapon, a space-based top-secret kinetic weapon that can be dropped from high orbit to strike almost any land-based target. The weapon instantly destroys six city blocks on the edge of the city of Tianjin, sending a message to China that’s eerily similar to the message sent by the United States in the dropping of the world’s first atomic weapon on Nagasaki in World War II. (Yes, the USA is willing to drop weapons of mass destruction on civilian populations. It has already done it twice!)

August 16, 2015: Obama issues stern warning “…about the presence of Chinese government agents operating secretly in the United States,” reports The New York Times. “And it comes at a time of growing tension between Washington and Beijing on a number of issues: from the computer theft of millions of government personnel files that American officials suspect was directed by China, to China’s crackdown on civil liberties, to the devaluation of its currency.”

Major nations are engaged in currency wars, whereas one country devalues their currency in order to lower the price of and sell more their exports. This action is matched by other countries in a ‘race to the bottom.’ All countries are certainly anticipating this race to continuously heat up, so is it true that China spooked Washington D.C. so much with the Yuan deval that the Obama administration hit them with a space weapon? Not knowing the behind the scenes events it’s hard to say.

The Pentagon’s secret space-based weapons

The “Rod of God” weapon consists primarily of a kinetic weapon arriving with unimaginable kinetic energy… more than a small tactical nuclear weapon, in fact, giving it the appearance of a tactical nuke.

U.S. websites are now speculating that the Tianjin explosion was a U.S. space-based weapons test involving a “Rod of God” weapon dropped from orbit. “The [resulting] lake [crater] in China proves a 5 kiloton blast, possibly nuclear or possibly from a space based ‘rod from God’ (pictured to the left) weapon [was] deployed by the space plane,” says The Unhived Mind.

“After looking through the images of the soviet nuclear tests, the new lake in China appears to have been made by a slightly sub surface burst of at least a 5 kiloton nuclear bomb… This was NOT an accident and the fracture pattern around the crater proves a sub ground burst. If it was a sub ground burst, then a small nuclear weapon is the biggest possibility because once a nuke has to push dirt, the blinding flash will not happen. A slightly subsurface detonation would explain why camera sensors did not get strange artifacts. And if it was not a nuke, it was something else incredibly huge, but not a fuel air bomb because fuel air bombs will not leave craters.”

Space-based kinetic weapons “dropped” onto targets are explained by Popular Science in this article from 2004:

When instructed from the ground, the targeting satellite commands its partner to drop one of its darts. The guided rods enter the atmosphere, protected by a thermal coating, traveling at 36,000 feet per second–comparable to the speed of a meteor. The result: complete devastation of the target, even if it’s buried deep underground.

“When required these projectiles can be commanded to dive, singly or en masse, at targets on the Earth’s surface, smashing into the victim at orbital speed. As the projectile’s kinetic energy is released, the blast would be equivalent to a large conventional bomb,” explains


World War III is expected to commence any time now. Historically, war follows economic collapse and the world is on the verge of the biggest yet seen. Moscow is preparing, China is preparing and so is NATO and the U.S. 



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