The liberals have the gun control issue all wrong. What is their problem? Part of it comes from their confidence that if we just get the legislation right, we can fix every problem. That’s nonsense to the point of almost becoming worshippers of government — just the opposite of our nation’s founders.
The other problem is they do not like the independence that guns confer to the public. An armed citizenry is not one that is easily subjugated. Since the central government must reign supreme, at least in the eyes of the left, gun ownership must be dramatically restricted.
In fact, they have most of their facts backwards. Our problem is not that Americans own too many guns. It’s that not enough guns are in the hands of citizens who are prepared to competently defend themselves and others. In other words, the fear of getting shot by an armed citizen can be a real deterrent to committing a violent crime.
And it’s not just local crimes where this becomes an issue. What is even more important are the atrocities committed by governments that do not have to worry about their citizens shooting back.
We’ll take a look at examples of such catastrophes on page two.
That’s right!!!!!!
Gun control is not gun confiscation, EXCEPT for those who are felons, mentally ill or disabled, incapable of responsible gun ownership. Responsible gun owners would want comprehensive background checks, and those who so vehemently opposed them must fear failure.
There already are background checks for all who buy guns INCLUDING at gun shows. You show the same failed logic as all those terrified of guns who do not realize we have them to protect ourselves from an overbearing gov’t. Did you not read the list above of all the countries that took away guns from citizens and THEN committed genocide and mass murder? It’s not the NRA members or law-abiding gun owners who are out there causing murder and mayhem: it’s CRIMINALS who will laugh at those same laws and ignore them. Why do YOU want to empower them and put citizens in danger? You prefer them to us?
Never let this happen we have a right to our guns !!
Fail to plan.!!!
Plan to fail.!!!
My A.R. 15 is in my plan.!!!
SEMPER FI.!!!!!!!
Russia and obama did it to the ukraine they said give us your nuclear weapons and well guard soon as russia recived the nukes russia annexed the ukraine and started slaughterring ukrainians.the ukraine trusted obama and russia and got screwed .do you trust all the democrats who wholeheartedly back obamas policies.we could be just like the ukraine.
We must use all that is available to us to protect our loved ones.
Yes it does
No, But it surely Proceeds it , Every Time .
Laughing…. Now here’s a likely candidate…
Michelle VonAhn and you just proved his point. When the time comes we’ll make sure you and your family are front and center. I am sure you won’t mind being proven right or wrong. Your a stand up person and stand by your word aren’t you?