ISIS Hacks U.S. New Website: We Are In Your PCs, In Each House, In Each Office

Alongside their ominous message was the headline:

“Christmas will never be merry any longer”
“I love you isis” [sic]

For months news agencies have reported that ISIS has planned a “cyber caliphate” against the U.S. using encrypted software.

While we don´t know exactly how competent ISIS is as a lone group with hacking and encryption technologies, they certainly have the money to locate the expertise needed, but even more than that, they have an ally in the White House with absolute control over the Internet. And, you can be sure that Obama can´t wait to turn it over to his fellow jihadists.

We already know that Obama has complete control over all media, Internet included. Feinstein has already admitted that the NSA taps into the backbone of the Internet with the ultimate goal, as stated by a very high-level NSA whistleblower, of total population control.

We are witnessing the takeover of our government by the Muslim Brotherhood, as permitted by a global elite, who is instituting a fascist government. It would only make sense that blatant manuvers to destroy the country would be committed after having obtained control of vital elements of the government and the media.

Obama and the NSA certainly have control over the Internet – this government can hack into anything they want. And, our Muslim-In-Chief is surely just itching to turn over Internet control of vital elements of this nation, such a our electric grid. Taking down the grid would kill 90% of the population.


The post also stated, “While the us [sic] and its satellites are bombing the Islamic State, we broke into your home networks and personal devices and know everything about you.”

The hacker told Albuquerque residents, “You will look around more often, will call up your children more often, think of your security more often, but that won’t help you.”

The website shut down for several hours while the posting was removed.

The Journal posted a note on its website confirming the attack. It also stated that the FBI has been notified and “there was no data breach.”

Information Systems Director Monty Midyette said the alterations appeared to be limited to just one story.

News outlets have been reporting for months that ISIS has planned a “cyber caliphate” against U.S. technology using encrypted software.

In September, the FBI warned of possible cyber attacks in retaliation for U.S. air strikes against ISIS.

NBC News reported the FBI released a bulletin to law enforcement and U.S. businesses that cited “recent nonspecific and probably aspirational threats made on social media platform to carry out cyber as well as physical attacks in response to the U.S. military presence in the Middle East.”

The FBI warned that such attacks could include “messages expressing support for ISIS and/or … imagery such as the black ISIS flag or graphic imagery, e.g. pictures or videos of ISIS executions.”

Some Islamic militants have boasted online that they will soon be capable of attacking America’s infrastructure or financial system, according to Fox News.

“The jihadists are investing a lot in encryption technologies, and they have developed their own software to protect their communications, and when Western agencies work out how to crack them, they adapt quickly,” Steve Stalinsky, executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute, told Fox News in September. “They are forward-thinking and are experimenting with hacking. In the future, the jihadist cyber army’s activities will become a daily reality.”

Also in September, National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers said he has been observing the cyber capabilities of the media-savvy terrorist group.

Rogers told a cybersecurity conference in Washington, D.C., “We need to assume that there will be a cyber dimension increasingly in almost any scenario that we’re dealing with. Counterterrorism is no different. Clearly, [ISIS] has been very aggressive in the use of media, in the use of technology, in the use of the Internet.”




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