Donald Trump isn’t the only person tearing a rift in the Republican party. While much attention has been focused on the war between Trump’s supporters and the #NeverTrump crowd, less attention has been paid to Ted Cruz’s similar inability to unite the party.
Given the Senator’s consistently conservative record, few likely predicted that the Texas Senator would be fending off attacks from the party’s far right — yet that’s precisely what’s happening. The latest example of this lack of camaraderie between Cruz and the conservative base comes from an interview with right-wing media host Sean Hannity.
When Cruz dodged Hannity’s question about the confusing primary process, Hannity launched into an angry rant against the second-place GOP contender that likely surprised many, given the media personality’s consistently conservative leanings.
Donald Trump may not be building any bridges with the party establishment, but Cruz is having trouble courting even his base.
To see the exchange that ensured, continue reading on the next page:
Cruz looks like the Howdy Doodie puppet…oh wait TRUMP
What a joke Cruz the non citizen puppet as President..ya right TRUMP and make America great again
Cruz’s speachs and appearances are all very scripted. I’m do tired of hearing him say “Make America Great Again, and you can even put it on a cap”. Get some new lines or a new speech writer.
Cruz is lying to the people by hiding behind the bible!
He is evil. NAU, one world government-power, campaign funds from Soros who is a despicable person. That says a lot!! We want the wall, we want jobs, Ted supporting TPP, he will not get my vote. Joliet than thou act
Trump 2016… Just can’t handle the stupidity of Lyin /Cryin Ted Cruz.. Can’t stand his face, his voice or anything about him. Why anyone would vote for him is totally beyond my comprehension.. He doesn’t have an original thought in his flea brain.. Without Donald Trump he wouldn’t be able to make a speech.. Wouldn’t have any idea of what to talk about… Can we say LOSER?????
A vote for Cruz is a vote for the Clinton Machine — She will overwhelm this rookie
Sorry Leonard but you have no proof of anything that didn’t happen.
They all lie!
Hannity is do far up the Donald’s butt that he has lost perspective