It seems like Pope Francis is determined to see that his papacy is marked by an extraordinary level of controversy, much of it generated by him within the Catholic Church itself. While the Christian faith is no stranger to theological disputes since its inception 2,000 years ago, some periods have obviously been marked by more vigorous debates than others, much to the regret of devoted adherents to the Faith.
Yet Pope Francis doesn’t seem to be troubled by being the center of some very divisive disputes, or the fact that he is the one who has created them.
He has taken a strong position in favor of open immigration, and has made statements on theology that are in direct opposition to historic Christian doctrine such as his proclamation that all religions worship the same god.
He recently took a very charitable and supportive position on Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro, an avowed atheist, who just died.
But this time he may have really done it. See page two.
The pope is busy! Have to wait for the little boys to Nap!
Apostasy is the first word that describes the so called vicar of Christ. Communist, heretic, supporter of Muslims, preaches just the opposite of Chist whom he supposedly represents but his master is not Chist but satan and wants a one world dominance
Perhaps there is a sort of “shadow government” at the Vatican, and Francis was put there by design…….like Obama; to destroy the essence of the vicar of Christ and…….the message.
The Pope is a moron. This is the same man who said sinners just disappear when they die, no Heaven or Hell. Just poof and they’re gone. He’s a nonsensical idiot!
In the old psychiatric classification : moron is not the worst. The lowest in the classification is the idiot.
It is time for Pie Francis to retire! He does not believe or follow the Cristian beliefs. Antichrist or False prophet, I think the Catholic Church needs for him to retire. Let us go into the next Conclave please!
Time for Pope Francis to resign. Let’s move to a Coclave to choose the next Pope
The pope is the leader of the Catholic Church formed by Jesus Christ himself when appointing Peter the apostle the first pope. Upon this rock I will build my church. The name Peter means rock. The Catholic Church is an apastolic church teaching the masses that Jesus is the true body of the church. The body of Christ is only consumed within the Catholic mass. Jesus said do this in remembrance of me. Don’t believe a word of a bishop that is actually stationed in China by the pope himself. Pope Francis is for the poor and under privileged. Before he was the pope in Brazil he refused to live in the bishops catholic cathedral and lived in a 1 bedroom apartment and gave his extra income to the poor of Brazil