Hillary Clinton stands on her claim that she is the candidate for women. With old dames, like Madeline Albright, supporting her with comments like, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!” Hillary has an odd way of enticing women to come over to her dark side.
Much of the baggage that she will deal with in the next few months is that of her anti-woman practices, especially seen in her bullying of the women who were assaulted by Bill. This baggage is new to so many of the millennials and must be unpacked and displayed for all to see.
One woman, whose has been living a happy and peaceful life was raped by Bill Clinton. She chose to break her silence after Hillary claimed to be for women and specifically women who had been sexually assaulted. The hypocrisy coming from the shrew who threatened the women of Bill’s sordid affairs.
It was all because of Hillary’s tweet in December [2015] where she said we all need to ‘believe the victims of sexual assault.’ How can she be so ignorant? Doesn’t she know we’ll all come forward again? She was saying in that tweet that all of us are liars. Has she lost her mind?” Juanita Broaddrick said.
Now, another gal has come forward sharing her experiences with Bill that date back to childhood, making credible again all the allegations from victims of the Clinton crime machine.
Truth and Action reported, “This sets the stage Trump thinks, for the Clinton versus Trump campaign. Hannity asked Trump, “What about what Clinton’s done? How big an issue should that be in the campaign? For example, I looked at the New York Times, are they going to interview Juanita Broaddrick? Are they going to interview Paula Jones? Are they going to interview Kathleen Willey? In one case it’s about exposure, in another about groping and fondling and touching against a woman’s will.”
Read Dolly Kyle’s thoughts on Bill, Hill and Trump on the next page.
Coke addict.
She has no face. The normal person would just go away.
Hillary and Bill are bad people, right to the bone. She has no use for women unless it suits her.
I wonder about the Lincoln desk in the oval office. Bill and Monica have a history with that piece of furniture….lol
Clinton’s belong in prison for life !!!
your only for killer
Obama is hammering the final nail in America’s coffin! By the time America’s fraud President is done, in the coming months…America might NEVER RECOVER! The signs Obama’s in the FINAL PHASE are everywhere……ILLEGALS, OBAMATRADE (NWO), attempts at GUN-GRABBING, FEDERAL AGENCY AMMO buys, INFILTRATION of Radical Muslims, OPEN BORDERS, DISEASE, MILITARIZATION OF POLICE, DECONSTRUCTION of OUR MILITARY, RIOTING. Our Country is being destroyed piece by piece! “We the People” are angry, & want this to STOP NOW!
OBAMATRADE will soon be signed & U.S. sovereignty will be handed over to the ENEMY! We will no longer control Our Own Country!
Obama is the Anti-Christ…A Muslim…friend & protector of terrorists! They are already in the White House! Obama despises us! We are America’s grassroots–the heart of this Country!
America we have the POWER to STOP this! A vote for Hillary is not the answer, as a vote for her, is a vote for Obama, a CONTINUATION of Obama’s FAILED POLICIES!
A man not beholden to the Elitists and the Lobbyists! A man who LOVES this Country, who will work HARD to CLEAN-UP WASHINGTON!
https://youtu.be/kypl1MYuKDY TRUMP 2016
Looks like he has AIDS!
It amazes me that anyone would vote for Hillary. Liberals just shut their eyes to the scandals that have followed this corrupt vile woman her entire career. The problem with the Clinton’s is you cannot trust them. the Clinton’s are influence peddlers. With them nothing is sacred they will sell any and everything that is not nailed down for the almighty dollar. They will sell favors to anyone who is willing and able to pay. They are two of the most corrupt people on earth. If she is elected president they will mine America for all its worth. Those of you who might be upset that your guy didn’t get the nomination do you really want 4 to 8 years of the Clintons? They have proven over and over again that they don’t have an ounce of decency or character. Everything is pay to play with these two. Too date Muslim country’s have paid the Clinton foundation 280 million dollars. Muslims own the Clintons. And if elected she plans to bring 10,000,000 more here. She is a traitor who is selling her soul, and our country , to the devil just to line her pockets.