What is Hillary really like? Intern to her husband, Natalie Plain, offers insight into the persona of Hillary Clinton. Plain shared a cubicle with Monica Lewinsky and was an eye witnessed the real Hillary.
Bill and Hill, according to Natalie Plain, are polar opposites. Bill, she described as “gregarious” and “outgoing”, while Hillary was “not a people person” and “struggled” to be like her husband. Plain also describes Hillary as being envious of Bill’s power and popularity, saying she saw herself as the “brains behind the operation” and a more proficient leader.
Hillary’s handlers are trying to make her “more a people person” and have encouraged her to lower the register of her voice, so it has a less high pitched grating noise, as well as, laugh more. The attempt to soften her persona has been a decade long process. Based on recent stories, her softer side is only for when the camera’s are rolling. Learn a bit more about Hillary’s on page two.
And the list will continue as long as she is alive
Shame on us for the last time we don’t need anymore
Amen! Truth!
Hillary just wants Bill back in the White House to have sex with more interns.
if you can not say any thing good
just forget it
big moth!
no hillary,liar!
You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear !
I have never seen such a false image anywhere. Obviously she is putting on what she thinks is a heartfelt laugh. In reality, one cannot f**e a real laugh. Hillary Clinton is one of the most dishonest, self serving, self centered, corrupt, deceitful, misleading, unscrupulous, deceptive, fraudulent, backbiting and unprincipled politicians that ever lived and breathed. She used her position as Secretary of State to enrich herself monetarily and otherwise and should be wearing an orange suit with a big (zero) on it. It makes me wonder to no end at why anyone would consider electing for anything! Maybe dog catcher!? She and President OBummer are two pigs in the same slop. One with lipstick, one without!
Who could listen to this woman cackle for 10 hours? She is such a disgrace! She has no shame…..