American politics have really become nothing more than the world’s worst case of the blind leading the blind. For the past eight years, the Obama Administration has set themselves alight in hypocrisy and continually doused themselves in contradictions. And then there’s Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, which has essentially played the part of the overpowering breeze that has spread that wildfire across the country and convinced many young and old voters that burning to death is in their best interest.
So naturally, Joe Biden is exactly who you want to speak on your behalf when running for office. This weekend, he stood up in front of an audience of Hillary Supporters and called Donald Trump disgusting for things he allegedly said about women. Joe Biden might as well be Bill Clinton 2.0. He’s calling Trump out for being crude towards women, Biden is a pervert of the worst kind. He’s like the America’s dirty grandfather. And that’s not even the dumbest thing he said.
Find out what else he said on the next page.
Then after trump kicked his$#%&!@*he would want to sue
Trump would win. But I’d pay hundreds of dollars to see a locked cage match between Obummer and Putin, heck throw Killary and Creepy Kaine in together the first still won’t take 3 rounds for Putin to dispatch them all.
Behind the gym? why not in the gym? would definitely PPV
I saw Trump take out Vince McMahon. My Money is on the Donald.
Joe Biden is the biggest idiot that ever sat in the VP seat!
That would be fun to watch.
Joe Biteme is a$#%&!@*with hair plugs and capped teeth.
Biden lay of the drugs buddy your delusional!
you old goat biden your a traitor to this country a lier a disgrace trump pence,,