The Confederacy has long been a controversial topic in the United States. While the state has long been associated with racism and slavery, many modern southerners view the Confederacy as an important part of southern heritage.
Until recently, relics of the Confederate States of America have been allowed throughout the south for historical purposes, but in today’s politically correct climate, many of those monuments have been forcibly removed.
Last year, statues of Robert E. Lee, the commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, were removed from locals parks in Virgina. The contractor who removed the statues found his Lamborghini torched in response.
Now, more statues of the former general are coming down across the state — at huge cost.
Read about the latest Robert E. Lee statue to fall on the next page:
This is our history what is the left afraid of.PleSe get our President Trump to stop this.
I believe they already removed them from New Orleans Sandra Brock
Just sad it’s history.
Changing history how awful
This is insane, destroying our history does not change it, seriously, this is crazy!!!
America’s version of ISIS and Taliban mentality is alive and well!
I demand any MLK statute to be taking down immediately it offends me the want to erase history then so be it
That’s BS we live in the land of the free and the brave for a reason and these monuments are our past to remind us of what great men and what great deeds where done for our ways of life . All of a sudden bunch crybaby’s want to take them down it hurts their little feelings . Guess what idiots if not for the past your$#%&!@*wouldn’t have a future !!!!!
Washington owned slaves so lets destroy the Washington Monument and change the name of our capital city to Obama. Sound far fetched? Just wait and see and watch the “liberal” loons from La La Land go into a frenzy when Americas Cultural Revolution ah la China and the Red Guard happens within 50 years or so.