If you look at what’s considered “modern art” by today’s standards, you’ll no longer find elegant paintings of seaside cottages or awkward shapes spread carefully across a canvas. Instead, what you find is nudity, obscurity and sex toys glued all over television screens. And that doesn’t even hold a flame to the bizarre world of performance art, which takes everything that’s strange about modern art and brings it to life.
Take a second to think about that.
Milo Moire, a Swiss “performance artist” who has been traveling all over Europe, has created an act that involves wearing a mirrored box around her torso and waist that let’s strangers fondle her breasts and genitals. She calls it the mirror box show and believes it to be supporting some kind of feminist movement. But don’t worry, she makes everybody sanitize their hands before going to town on her lady parts. At least she’s being hygienic.
Watch the video on the next page.
There are a lot of sick people in this world, we do not have to play into it !
WTF? Now what would happen if a man had his junk in a container like that and walked around asking women to$#%&!@*him? You think he would be arrested or would he be able to claim “modern art” and get away with it? what the hell is society turning into here? have we completely sunk to the lowest depths of the ocean where even whale$#%&!@*floats above us?
Repeat story !!!
Mike clearly you’re talking about the one around her neck right ???
There are a lot of differences in Europe !!! I’ve experienced in my travels !!!
Garry apparently that’s not the only thing that got long !!!
Save that for the bedroom Wondering if she lets them touch her rear orifice ?
That C**p is not Art!
She’s an idiot!