WATCH: Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over and Over Again

President Trump has always stood up against racism and hate groups. Do you know where all this racist propaganda keeps coming from? The fake news outlets. It has got to stop. And we can all do something to help combat this wave of ignorance threatening to push our country to the brink of civil war. Spread the truth. Watch this video below. These are just a few of the many many times President Trump has disavowed hate, over and over again.

His track record is golden. We can’t just sit and let the democrats turn this into a win for their party. Can’t you already see the slogans, “Kick Hate, Vote Jackass”. It beats a better deal. Because we all know what the Democrat better deal is, hate, racism, the KKK and welfare states. Unless we want Obama 2.0 back in the White House in 4 years. We have to stand up for our party and our president before they turn this into a racist hate fest no man ever again emerge from. Ahh Democrats the party of “love”, just like Islam is the religion of “peace”.

Watch the video,

Image: JewishJournal



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