How US Government Covered Up Saudi’s Role in 9/11

The missing pages of the 9/11 Congressional inquiry report, gives great detail to “incontrovertible evidence” gathered from both the FBI and CIA case files of official Saudi assistance for two, if not more, of the Saudi hijackers who were located in San Diego.

Leaked evidence from the redacted section of the report is highly damning.  There was a number of pre-9/11 calls between the Saudi Embassy and one of the Saudi hijackers’ handlers in San Diego.  There was also the transfer of $130,000 from Prince Bandar’s family checking account, who was at the time the Saudi Ambassador, into another hijacker handler’s account.

An investigator who worked with the JTTF in Washington complained that instead of investigating Bandar, the US government protected him — literally. He said the State Department assigned a security detail to help guard Bandar not only at the embassy, but also at his McLean, Va., mansion.

The source added that the task force wanted to jail a number of embassy employees, “but the embassy complained to the US attorney” and their diplomatic visas were revoked as a compromise.

Former FBI agent John Guandolo, who worked 9/11 and related al Qaeda cases out of the bureau’s Washington field office, says Bandar should have been a key suspect in the 9/11 probe.

“The Saudi ambassador funded two of the 9/11 hijackers through a third party,” Guandolo said. “He should be treated as a terrorist suspect, as should other members of the Saudi elite class who the US government knows are currently funding the global jihad.”

Truth and Action reported that, “Saudi Arabia is threatening to sell off $750 billion if their protections from the The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act are revoked.

The bill introduced in the Senate would waiver the immunity for cases involving terrorist attacks that kill US citizens on US soil. Introduced by Republican Senator John Cornyn and Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer, it managed to overcome partisan divisions in the US legislation and passed without dissent through the Judiciary Committee in January.

“As our nation confronts new and expanding terror networks that are targeting our citizens, stopping the funding source for terrorists becomes even more important,” Senator Cornyn said last month.

Possible links between the perpetrators of the attack and Saudi Arabia may be hiding in 28 classified pages of the 2002 congressional report on 9/11, which allegedly describe how Saudi Arabian nationals with links to the government financially assisted the 19 hijackers who flew airplanes into World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Many people, including the co-author of the redacted pages, former Florida Senator Bob Graham, have been campaigning for years to make them public.

The cover-up began in a cigar smoke filled room between heads of states, and the protection of Saudi officials and even a family member of Osama bin Laden commenced the protection of criminals. The FBI agents became security escorts for Saudis, even though it was known that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens.

“The FBI was thwarted from interviewing the Saudis we wanted to interview by the White House,” said former FBI agent Mark Rossini, who was involved in the investigation of al Qaeda and the hijackers. The White House “let them off the hook.”

What’s more, Rossini said the bureau was told no subpoenas could be served to produce evidence tying departing Saudi suspects to 9/11. The FBI, in turn, iced local investigations that led back to the Saudis.

“The FBI covered their ears every time we mentioned the Saudis,” said former Fairfax County Police Lt. Roger Kelly. “It was too political to touch.”

It has been 5335 days since America watched in horror the terror attacks on our soil.  Yet full disclosure has not occurred, pages are still redacted and the people have a right to know.  Obama can also take ex-post facto responsibility as he continues to release Gitmo detainees and send them to Saudi Arabia for re-education.  Corruption runs deep in the powers that be.

Saudis rejects 60 min report:

Source: NY Post  Truth and Action



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