This month, Allen West informed the nation on the Navy’s intention to file charges against Lt. Cmdr Timothy White, the officer who fired back at the Islamic terrorist during the attack in Chattanooga.
The charges were to be for weapons violations – the Pentagon prohibits all military personnel from carrying weapons at offices and on base within the country, other than security forces, unless they are in a combat zone. Well, Chattanooga certainly seems like a combat zone that day.
Needless to day, Americans were not very happy that this man, who probably saved lives that day, was going to have charges drawn up on him like a criminal.
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Such a bunch of c**p!!!
Thank Obama for this bs
D’oh! Get a grip dolt.
Give him a Metal he did great. God Bless USA.
Article 15, and it ends his career….better than a conviction. Full retirement etc. But his career is over.