Trump’s Cutting Response To Hillary’s Claim He’s “Dangerous”

According to Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump is rough and his speech is dangerous.  This is certainly an example of the pot calling the kettle black. Hillary has been nothing but a danger to our nation and the soldiers who serve to protect it.  From her email scandal, dangerous speech in cyberspace, to her obvious and greatest scandal and failure, Benghazi, she is perhaps one of the most dangerous candidates to run for office.

Trump said, “She was on one of the shows the other night and she was talking about Donald Trump talks very rough. he may be dangerous. Dangerous? She’s the one that caused so many deaths and everything with her horrible policies. You look at what’s gone on in Libya. You look at — and I’m not just mentioning Benghazi, which was a disaster in itself, but you look at so many of the decisions that she made that were so bad, so horrible, and honestly caused tremendous havoc and tremendous death. So, she’s the one that’s really got to justify her record that’s horrible.”


Source: Breitbart



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