When Donald Trump cited judge Gonzalo Curiel’s Mexican heritage and ties to controversial Hispanic advocacy groups, the media was quick to call the comments racist in nature.
They claimed that neither association was a disqualifying attribute, a confusing statement given that one organization with which Curiel was associated recently called for a boycott of Trump properties around the world.
The conflicts of interest don’t stop there. Gonzalo himself was nominated by our leftist president Barack Obama, and he has connections to Hillary Clinton as well — thousands of dollars worth, in fact.
All of these decisions are disqualifying in nature, yet all the left are focusing on is the fact that he’s Mexican. Apparently diminishing someone to just their race is just fine for the left, as long as it helps demonize Donald Trump.
Continue reading on the next page to see how the Trump University judge is connected to Trump’s Democrat rival on the next page:
CNN. Clinton Natural Network ……damn what are you not getting out of this
LOL….the truth is exposed..
I told you he’s a$#%&!@*! Somehow he conned his way into college , law school, and the court system..This for you$#%&!@* judge..your a fraud and should be arrested for using the court system for your personal gain and abuse of power and judicial misconduct unbecoming a Judicial court judge..!
I would like to know what Hillary “Wall Street” Clinton has in her background that makes her qualified to be POTUS ? She’s another lawyer , for God’s sakes. How many lawyers do we need in the Congress. I think there are 53% of the senate that are lawyers and some 42% of the Reps in the House are lawyers. Obama is a lawyer and he’s screwed things up. So, the question is what education, skill, experience, background does Hillary Clinton have that would be of value in improving the economy of America ?
Now, Trump’s education, experience and background is in business, economics, finance, markets, negotiations, job creation, project planning and management.
I think we have enough lawyers working in Washington to handle any legal issues, so we don’t need anther one as POTUS.
What we need at this time is someone who has the ability , experience and knowledge to create Jobs and bring back industry. We need a candidate who can build the industrial base of America back up. We need a candidate that can understand how to make better trade agreements.
We need a candidate that understand finance , banking and economic markets.
We do NOT need another lawyer !
Geeez, this is a no brainer !
The difference between Trump and Clinton is that Trump wants to build up the infrastructure and industry of America so we have jobs and people can make a living and be independent and live the American Dream. Clinton wants to embark on a lot of social programs and spend a lot more money that we don’t have ! She wants to give healthcare to illegals and free education to illegals ! YIKES ! Can you say ‘Economic melt down ?” What about the student debt ?! Hillary is giving that money we could spend on paying down the student debt and giving it to illegals . YIKES ! TRUMP SAYS AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST ! VOTE TRUMP !
GREAT WORDS….Jimmy Davidson The reason why establish don’t back trump like mitt Romney and the Koch
Here is why the Establishment Elite HATE Donald Trump so badly. The Muslim world is divided between the Sunnis & the Shiites. Both groups are$#%&!@*Islamists, & they are looking for the Middle East & the world to be DOMINATED by Islam & Sharia! Their biggest beef with each other is determining, which of the 2 main groups will get to be “in charge” of the New Islamic World, they wish to create, & so they constantly fight & kill each other! However, if an Infidel shows up in their midst ( the one who is NOT one of them), they will join forces to fight that outsider to the death. Why?
Well, there might be a possibility that the Infidel might defeat them, & then neither of the 2 groups, would get to run the Kingdom!
Now, let’s talk about the Establishment…Republicans & Democrats. They undoubtedly have differences, but they ultimately want the same end goal…they are each looking to build a NWO. Representatives from both groups routinely use that “Globalist” terminology for their dreams of their “Kingdom on Earth!” The Elites spokespeople from the Bush family, John Kerry & everyone in between, they constantly use those terms. They have “spilled the beans”, & are basically 2 SIDES OF THE SAME COIN! So what are they fighting about in Washington?
Well, it’s what they have always fought about, “who gets to run the show!” Who gets to have the power? They will fight each, they will impeach each other, threaten to out maneuver each other, lie to each other, & cheat each other.
Then along comes an “outsider” who threatens to wipe the whole slate clean, & perhaps turn the whole thing back over to “we the people!”
That prospect is unthinkable to them! It would snatch their dreams, their wealth, their power, right from underneath them. In order to prevent that from happening, they will hold their noses, compromise & strike deals to let the “other side” have “the power” for a while, until they can regroup & take control of their territory!
Now, here comes Donald J. Trump, the man who “CANNOT BE CONTROLLED” or “MANIPULATED!”
Donald J. trump is an OUTSIDER, he doesn’t belong to the “SECRET SOCIETIES”! The bottom line is that Trump SCARES the ELITISTS to DEATH! He gives the Establishment shear NIGHTMARES!
He’s NOT ONE OF THEM! He has the potential to be an EXTERMINATOR! He has a different view. He is a NATIONALIST, & they are GLOBALISTS! He can’t be bribed, because he’s ALREADY RICHER than them combined! He most likely, CAN’T BE BLACKMAILED, MANIPULATED or CONTROLLED!
And, listen to what Donald Trump is PROMISING & remember, this is what the WASHINGTON INSIDERS “hate him For!”
He says he will PROTECT OUR BORDERS, BUILD A WALL. He will STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION & REFUGEES. He will STOP ISLAMISTS, who wish to destroy us, from entering our country. He will RESTORE our MILITARY & greatness. He will restore America’s ECONOMIC ENGINE of greatness. He wants to return America’s CORPORATIONS back to the Main land. He warns to create NEW HIGH-PAYING JOBS. He wants to get people OFF WELFARE, & into a viable job market. He wants to respect our CONSTITUTION HERITAGE, & JUDEO-CHRISTIAN HERITAGE, and he wants to DEAL FIRMLY, with those who HATE US ( NOT genuflecting & cowering to them)!
Donald Trump WILL NOT kiss the ring of the Saudi Arabian King! For these things, the Establishment in Washington HATES HIM!
Some are even saying, “I’ll vote for Hillary Clinton, before I vote for Donald Trump!”
Really? Of course they will, THEY MUST, they all belong TO THE SAME CLUB!
Here is who HATES Donald Trump……the Washington Elite & the Establishment, the LIBERAL MEDIA, the SOCIALIST, the COMMUNIST, the ENTITLEMENT mentality crowd, the RACIST BLACK LIVES MATTER type groups, ISLAMISTS, ISIS, GLOBALISTS, the CHINESE, the RUSSIANS, the ANTI-ISREAL NATIONS & GROUPS, those who HATE CHRISTIANS, those who HATE AMERICA, those who HATE the CONSTITUTION & those who want AMERICA’S BORDERS OPEN To the World!!! These are the people who hate Trump!!!
Get the Picture NOW???
The Liberals and Democrats are complete idiots. They’ve spent their entire lives destroying society and blaming everyone but themselves for the evilness they’ve generated.
Sounds like a corrupt judge, should be removed!
The judicary has gone from ome of our most trusted institution to one of the most croupt !!!!
That bastard judge is a member of and lawyer for La Raza…the Hispanic version of the KKK~!