Donald Trump has a message for Barack Obama’s team of ambassadors: Get out.
Trump ran his campaign on the pledge to “drain the swamp,” and he looks to be making good on that promise. First, Trump made sure that his transition team was free from Washington, D.C. lobbyists. Now he’s making sure that all holdovers from the Obama administration are gone one day one.
It seems Trump wants a fresh start to government, free from the mistakes of past administrations.
The mandate is probably a smart one on behalf of the campaign. While previous administrations have allowed certain ambassadors to stick around after transfers of power, Trump’s team is facing unprecedented pushback from the Democrat party. They have vowed to obstruct the president-elect at every opportunity, so now they’re being told to leave before they get the chance.
The Trump administration has issued an official response on the topic. See why they said they’re kicking out the ambassadors on the next page:
Not surprising.
If you believe that it means your a democratic, and you need to learn to stand down.
God bless President Trump!
Trump is doing what needs to be done ✅ he’s giving Obama all of his$#%&!@*to go . He’s going to bring people he can trust in to fill all of these positions. Just as others have done. No democrats will fill these positions. It’s the republican time to shine so democrats stand down and shut up for once. Because you all are sounding and acting like a bunch of winers.
I’ll remember that when you’re under attack I’ll damn sure step aside I bet most of Secret Service will too
It’s time for all the work, worry and support of the new president to come into play. Sure ready to do all I can to support the new president.