Top 5 RIDICULOUS Defenses Wasserman Schultz Gives for Awan Scandal

Top 5 RIDICULOUS Defenses Wasserman Schultz Gives for Awan Scandal

The party of “a better deal” might actually be referring to better plea bargain deal in a court of law.

Former DNC Chairman and Current FL Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz stands by her decision to keep Imran Awan on payroll after he got fired by other members of congress for stealing. Awan – the man we all now know to have been selling U.S. national secrets to foreign agents and arrested fleeing the country after wiring $283,000 to Pakistan.

“I believe that I did the right thing, and I would do it again,” Wasserman Schultz said Thursday in an exclusive interview with the Sun Sentinel.

She said that today. This isn’t pulling up some statement made months before the full extent of his crimes were known. And in Wasserman Schultz’s defense perhaps what we know now really is just the tip of the DNC corruption iceberg.

You see if you dig deeper all of these inclusive sociological liberal policies really seek to help the Democrat party get “a better deal”. There is a reason the Democrats made this their new slogan while throwing Russian stones from their glass safeplaces.

And if Wasserman Schultz actually thinks the sob story she told today with the Sun Sentinel is going to fly – She is going to need more than a plea bargain to avoid spending the rest of her days in jail!

The top 5 bizarre Wasserman Schultz statements shared in this interview,  including her hilariously typical ridiculous lie as to Awan REALLY got arrested, on the next page

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