College campuses are supposed to be areas where opposing points of view can mingle and interact. Today this is radically changing.
This trend of free expression is in steep decline. Colleges across the country are sacrificing students’ first amendment rights for political correctness and for the imagined ‘safety’ of students.
This always seems to fall to disproportionately squashing conservative speech while championing liberal rhetoric. Just recently the University of Missouri deemed the Confederate flag a threat to student safety, seeking to punish a group of former alleged students seen posing in a picture with the flag on Twitter.
See On Page Two How Portland State University Banned One Students Gun Rights Posters:
Anytime the president has to lobby for money for his campaign you know he’s got a lot of favors if he gets elected. If somebody give you 3 million dollars you know they’re going to expect something in return if your elected
Well from the nonsense i have been seeing coming out our students mouths lately maybe this isnt such a bad idea! Disrespecting the flag! Disrespect the very rights that they have!
You only get stifled when you obey. Use the right and do not be a lap dog.