In an interview with Rachel Maddow this week, Oregon Senator Ron Wyden claimed that “you ought to follow the money” during an investigation into Donald Trump’s business deals in Russia. He then added, “you should follow the trail of the dead bodies.”
It’s not precisely clear to what Wyden is referring. Is he actually suggesting that Donald Trump has a literal trail of dead bodies he’s trying to conceal? Or was it just a failed attempt at hyperbole and metaphor?
Either way, it’s clear that the Democrats are in full meltdown mode.
Watch the interview in the video below:
I now know the box of rocks is
Stupid is as stupid dose, what a bunch of clowns!!!
on Trump? you mean Clintons …Senator like this must be guilty…investigate this guy…please don’t tell me its bc hes that uninformed …
Wrong trail..goofus!
Clint Watts must have been talking about the Clintons and this guy thought he was talking about President Trump. How odd for this guy to confuse the two.
Pure liberal Bull S**t! You evil bast Ardsley will pay for all your lies. He’ll is hot and eternity long. Don’t come against what God has ordained and get away with it!
Is this is the path they want to take every single time they get caught messing up? Accuse the accuser? Right out of Hillary’s playbook.
Come on Wyden, you need to go see a Dr.
I think you need to be tested for Alzheimer’s , your so confused. I think you meant Clinton!!!
Another accusation by a Democrat that is nonsense.