Scientific Study Solves Riddle of Why Flu Shots Don’t Work

The United States is one of the foremost nations in having a high percentage of its populace vaccinated.  In fact, it’s safe to say that the US is the model for vaccinated nations around the world, with more than 60% of its population vaccinated from birth to death.  Some may view this as a progressive step in the right direction and many in the science community point directly to this statistic as being the main ingredient for our longevity.

However, when science is using information that is neither accurate nor even tested as its narrative for why people should be vaccinated, it calls into question whether or not the practice is responsible for an increased longevity, or merely the fact that our access to medical assistance is more responsible for why so many of our residents live beyond the world’s norm.

The author even admits that flu vaccine propaganda is largely false, describing how the goal of flu shot immunization has still not been achieved even after 70 years of quackery, propaganda and social engineering to push vaccines that simply don’t work:

Despite the first commercial influenza vaccines being approved in the US more than 70 years ago, complete and broad protection from an influenza vaccine has remained out of reach. Furthermore, in the past decade, the effectiveness of the seasonal vaccine against H3N2 viruses has been particularly low.

False claim #1: All vaccines work all the time on all people.

False claim #2: Vaccines pose no risks whatsoever and are always safe for everyone.

These two persistent lies continue to be pushed by vaccine industry cultists, doctors, pharmacists, medically illiterate news reporters and dishonest medical quacks, which is why the CDC, vaccine makers and deceptive vaccine propagandists increasingly look like fools and hucksters to the informed public. “Vaccine Injury Denialism” is now essentially a dangerous mental disorder that has now spread across the corrupt medical industry which rejects real science in order to worship a kind of “vaccine cult” that denies biological reality.

The irrefutable truth about vaccines is that they don’t work most of the time, but they simultaneously expose recipients to serious risk of harm, mostly stemming from toxic vaccine ingredients that are formulated into the vaccine cocktail alongside the viral strains. These toxic ingredients are widely documented to cause paralysis, comas, seizures, neurological disorders and even death. That’s why the vaccine injury compensation program in the United States — often dubbed the “Vaccine Court” — has already paid out over $3 billion damage awards to families of damaged children who were maimed or killed by vaccines.

The government-run VAERS database…confirms that at least 144 children were killed by vaccines in 2016 alone, with thousands more injured, maimed or sickened by the dangerous shots. For example, [a] Texas girl went blind and was paralyzed just two days after being vaccinated. The Hepatitis B vaccine routinely kills newborns from system shock. Vaccines have been repeatedly and scientifically linked to an increased risk of autism. Merck vaccines reportedly killed these babies in Mexico, and in one Mexican town, 75% of the children who received vaccine shots ended up either dead or hospitalized.

Read on the next page about how the Fake News Industrial Complex (FNIC) has pushed the Leftist agenda narrative that vaccinations are not only necessary but in some cases, “mandatory!”

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