Scientific Study Solves Riddle of Why Flu Shots Don’t Work

The FNIC is not only culpable for the rise of this false narrative that vaccinations prevent all disease and viruses, but they have a personal stake in ensuring that this belief is embraced by the American public.  In the course of its political ideology, the core foundation of Progressivism is that Big Brother is, a) always right, and b) the purveyor of all answers to any crisis.

In other words, if the government (and thereby, the medical society) states that vaccinations are necessary, then the FNIC will obediently package that information, distribute it, and parrot it incessantly, as a drug dealer talks up his product to the client.  In some hospitals and medical facilities, the staff has even been reported to claim to its patients that the vaccinations for any number of viruses or diseases are “mandatory.”  Not only is this untrue, it is wildly reckless, especially when considering that the bulk of the vaccinations being administered are to infants and toddlers!

The propaganda and quackery behind vaccines is so severe and undeniable that the mainstream media has even begun to admit that vaccines spread disease.

To the surprise of many, vaccine insert sheets openly admit that flu shots have never been subjected to medical studies that show they even work. This insert sheet is from a 2014 Flulaval vaccine:

The insert sheet readily admits:

…there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL.

There’s even more. If you keep reading the FLULAVAL insert, it says in black and white text, “Safety and effectiveness of FLULAVAL in pediatric patients have not been established.”

The same insert also says, “FLULAVAL has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility.”

As you can also see, this same insert also explains that when you’re being injected with a flu shot, you’re also being injected with mercury, formaldehyde and other toxic ingredients:

“Thimerosal, a mercury derivative, is added as a preservative. Each … dose contains 50 mcg thimerosal. Each dose may also contain residual amounts of ovalbumin, formaldehyde, and sodium deoxycholate from the manufacturing process.”

Read on the final page about the massive amounts of side effects that have been associated with flu shots and how these same science officials will claim that the occurrence is rare, when in fact, it is more common than not!

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