Scientific Study Solves Riddle of Why Flu Shots Don’t Work

Back in the 1970s, Stephen King wrote a book called, The Stand.  In it, he wrote a short foreword that explained about how in the course of his research on viruses, he discovered that the influenza strain that occurs each year, and for which people routinely receive the flu shot, mutates so that, year to year, the strain is slightly (or even markedly) different; meaning that a flu shot for one year will be rendered virtually useless the following year.

Within a few years, after that was accepted by the American public, the US government in cooperation with the pharmaceutical agencies began to combat that view.  There were reports that what was asserted by many lay-persons about the flu strain mutating every year was factually inaccurate, that the mutations didn’t matter and that vaccinations from one year to the next were just as effective.

Sometime later, there was also an insistence by many of those who were vaccinated that they would inevitably become sicker AFTER the shot and then exhibited symptoms of the flu or (in some cases) a full-blown incidence of the flu.  This, again, was pooh-poohed and many of those same scientists who insisted that the mutations either didn’t exist or didn’t matter pointed out that the flu virus that was injected into the host was not a living virus; therefore, it couldn’t possibly make one experience the flu.

Scripps Research Institute has published a report that, in essence, debunks all of the science that was used to humiliate those who believed otherwise and is now under fire for its groundbreaking admissions.

[A] new study conducted by the Scripps Research Institute and published in the science journal PLoS blows the lid on exactly why flu shots are the greatest medical hoax in the history of science and medicine. Titled, “A structural explanation for the low effectiveness of the seasonal influenza H3N2 vaccine,” the research paper concludes that the very method of modern flu vaccine production causes viral strains to mutate to non-effective structures that do not confer the immunity being routinely claimed for flu vaccines.

The production method for flu vaccines, in other words, renders certain influenza viral strains nearly useless. This is obviously part of the reason why people who get flu shots still manage to catch the flu with alarming frequency. (That failure of flu vaccine effectiveness, ironically, is used by the media to encourage people to get even more flu shots, as if receiving multiple injections of a quack vaccine might magically make it work better.)

From the abstract of the study:

The effectiveness of the annual influenza vaccine has declined in recent years, especially for the H3N2 component, and is a concern for global public health. A major cause for this lack in effectiveness has been attributed to the egg-based vaccine production process… Overall, these findings help explain the low effectiveness of the seasonal vaccine against H3N2 viruses…  It is common to use chicken eggs for culturing clinical isolates and for large-scale production of vaccines. However, influenza virus often mutates to adapt to being grown in chicken eggs, which can influence antigenicity and hence vaccine effectiveness.

In the summary of the paper, the author openly admits that flu vaccines don’t work and urges the vaccine industry to urgently change its production practices:

Our study describes a mechanism for the low influenza vaccine effectiveness and reaffirms the urgency for replacing the egg-based production of influenza vaccines…

Scripps has, in essence, abandoned the science community’s narrative that vaccines are necessary for a “healthy lifestyle” and that if you choose not to get these vaccines, you are basically playing Russian roulette with your life!

Turn to the next page to read further about how Scripps lambastes an industry that has peddled a lie for more than 70 years!

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