Russia and NATO Gearing Up For War

According to Ian Kearns, director of the London-based European Leadership Network, war games and military preparation “are contributing to a climate of mistrust” that has “on occasion become the focal point for some quite close encounters between the NATO and Russian militaries.”

“While spokespeople may maintain that these operations are targeted against hypothetical opponents, the nature and scale of them indicate otherwise: Russia is preparing for a conflict with NATO, and NATO is preparing for a possible confrontation with Russia,” Kearns said.”

Reports indicate the rising hostile nature of the “war games”.  Failures at pre-notification nor public announcements preceding an exercise have been occurring, exacerbating the already contentious atmosphere.

Numerous “near encounters” have occurred, including a narrowly-avoided collision between an airliner and a Russian aircraft near Copenhagen”.

That would not be the first, the Malaysian airliner that went down was a result of the conflict on the border between the Ukrainians and Russian nationalists. The report continues revealing the build up occuring:

 …NATO and Russia have moved significant air assets into closer proximity to each other,” according to Dangerous Brinkmanship, a report issued in November by theEuropean Leadership Network.”

Paul Craig Roberts, who worked with the Reagan Administration stated “this escalation may turn into ultimately, the total annihilation of Europe.”  Robert’s reminds us of the “policy” to use nuclear arms “preemptively”—the first strike option.

Source:  Info Wars





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