Report: Obama Ordered Comey to “Exonerate” Hillary

Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?  Or in this case, the FBI?

Well, apparently NOT Obama, Hillary and Loretta Lynch.  When then-Director of the FBI, James Comey, had become aware of the ruminations by the Right-wing that Hillary Clinton (during her tenure as Secretary of State) was about to be laid flat after explosive allegations surfaced that she had been using an illegal email server to handle and traffic in information that was vital to national security (some even marked classified, CONFIDENTIAL and SECRET), Comey was curious.

The Director’s job was to assign specific units of agents to different cases that were of interest to the US Government.  This was a very special case.  It involved, not only a Secretary of State, not only a presidential candidate, but it also involved a Clinton!  This was the stuff of fiction; the kind you only see on House of Cards, West Wing, Blacklist, or Homeland!  HILLARY CLINTON BROKE FEDERAL LAWS AND BYPASSED THE VERY NATURE OF WHAT IT MEANT TO USE CARE AND WISDOM IN COMMUNICATING WITH OTHERS ABOUT NATIONAL SECURITY MATTERS…PURPOSEFULLY!


We now know, after too many months of investigations into nothing (because there was NEVER going to be a criminal indictment of the elite and untouchable Clinton) that she was trafficking in this information secretly on a home-brew system specifically and precisely BECAUSE she had presidential aspirations.  Let’s be honest:  she was pissed about Obama beating her first time around.  This was HER moment at coronation.  She would not be denied and the DNC certainly wasn’t going to stand in her way again.  Obama was forced into acknowledging her iron grip on the DNC at that point when he offered the Secretary of State position to her in the first place.  That was certainly not his idea.

Therefore, because she was on a mystical collision course with the presidency, there was no way around the financial delving into her family’s Foundation.  If the “vast Right-wing conspiracy” to unseat her husband was even stronger now, her goose was already cooked.  She needed a huge firewall to protect herself from the prying eyes of the Right.  What better way to protect your illegal business of pay-for-play as millions were pouring into the Clinton Family Crime Foundation’s coffers by foreign dignitaries and leaders than by using a completely secret email server to conduct such business?  That way, no evidence could surface that would compromise her push for the presidency.  It was brilliant.  Until Benghazi.

Once Benghazi unfolded, it revealed a sinister series of events that led eventually to the point-of-origin:  an illegal home-brew email server.  Naturally, once the investigators in the Senate began to ask those uncomfortable questions and the FBI’s hands were tied and they HAD to request information in email format, the jig was up and the illegal server revealed!


Obama’s choices were limited at this point.  While he completely despised Hillary and was ordered by the DNC to fork over his very special Secretary of State’s position to her, he was not anticipating the next set of instructions from the DNC about an endorsement for her as president, nor was he anticipating having to defend her illegal actions during her tenure as Secretary of State.  It’s not that Obama DIDN’T know about the illegal home-brew server; he specifically used it to communicate with her on several different occasions under a false name to protect himself!  It’s the fact that he had to now use a dual-strategy of distancing himself from her illegal activities without condemning her actions!  That meant literally walking the razor’s edge.

But like any slave to their political party, and from one Jackass to another, Obama obediently and willingly placed himself in the line of fire by going on national television in April of 2016 to, in essence, announce Hillary Clinton’s innocence of wrong-doing when she broke federal national security protocol when handling classified information.

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