Report: Ann Coulter was Targeted by Delta Officials

Ann Coulter’s recent spat with Delta now has a new wrinkle. At first, she was offered no explanation as to why she would not have access to her pre-booked seat. Now, someone has come forward with a reason.

Coulter said she asked the flight attendant why she was being forced to move from her seat and the response was “I don’t know.” The flight attendant snatched the ticket from Coulter’s hand and ordered her to move without explanation.


Many have speculated Coulter’s purchase was not honored by Delta Airlines due to her politics. Today, the conservative star tweeted out a text from a flight attendant, confirming that Ann Coulter was targeted on purpose by a group of Delta officials.

Coulter’s source claimed that the flight attendant “wanted to be a jerk and make her life miserable.” Of course, that always seemed to be the case. Now, we just have more evidence.

Her first tweets about the situation when it first occurred:

Source: The Gateway Pundit

Image: Gage Skidmore



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