A proper foreign policy should be neither rash nor cowardly. It should be based on geopolitical facts, not emotions. And it should be consistent with the nation’s guiding principles, as well as internally consistent – meaning that the components of the foreign policy don’t conflict with each other. It should be affordable, and recognize the nation’s strengths and weaknesses. None of this requires a genius to figure out.
In other words, a proper foreign policy is exactly what we do not have in the United States.
It’s difficult to imagine a more stupid foreign policy than one of using NATO to provoke Russia. NATO should have been disbanded when the Soviet empire fell. Of course, ending a government program, regardless of how useless or detrimental it is, is all but impossible.
The Obama Administration’s foreign policy in Eastern Europe is one of lunacy as NATO and Russia appear to be preparing for war. More on this danger on page two.
Check out this article from Debka Israeli News:
88+ US Generals stand again Clinton and support Donald Trump for President.
According to recent reports, 88 retired U.S. Generals and Admirals wrote an open letter, claiming they support Trump and his “commitment to rebuild our military, to secure our borders, to defeat our Islamic supremacist adversaries and restore law and order domestically.”
“As retired senior leaders of America’s military, we believe that such a change can only be made by someone who has not been deeply involved with, and substantially responsible for, the hollowing out of our military and the burgeoning threats facing our country around the world,” the letter reads.
“For this reason, we support Donald Trump’s candidacy to be our next Commander-in-Chief.”
Trump was quick to respond to the glowing endorsement. From the beginning, he has thrown his support behind our men and women in uniform.
“It is a great honor to have such amazing support from so many distinguished retired military leaders,” Trump commented. “I thank each of them for their service and their confidence in me to serve as commander-in-chief.”
“We can only Make America Great Again if we ensure our military remains the finest fighting force in the world, and that’s exactly what I will do as president,” Trump concluded.
The letter was reportedly organized by Major General Sidney Shachnow, the only survivor of the Holocaust that went on to become a U.S. General. He partnered with Rear Admiral Charles Williams, who received the Legion of Merit.
In his statement, Williams suggested the letter demonstrates that military leaders belive “Donald Trump is more trusted to be commander-in-chief than Hillary Clinton.”
“Hillary Clinton has made clear she is running as a staunch defender of the status quo when it comes to the issues facing our military, and she has shown through her foreign policy decisions and her mishandling of classified information that she lacks the judgment to do the job,” Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn added in the press release.
“Mr.Trump’s deep and growing support in the military community and his thoughtful proposals show he’s the right person to lead our men and women in uniform.”
TRUMP/Pence 2016!
I’m not trying to be judgmental,
I’m really not. This is purely factual!
I know plenty of people that wish the choice was anyone else, but Trump, but it’s no longer about the person, it’s about the Republic of the United States of America!
Whether you support Rand Paul, Gary Johnson, Bernie Sanders or anyone else, the fact is, we ONLY have ONE CHOICE, and the choice is between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton…and frankly, factually…the woman should be and could be indicted on multiple counts, perhaps, up to and including treason.
I could not live with myself, nor continue to consider myself an American, if I voted for this woman.
TRUMP isn’t a politician with an agenda, TRUMP is a true American with a plan! IT’S TRUMP OR BUST 2016!
TRUMP/Pence 2016
Russ Hughes get this out to everyone and especially trump
Do you think russia we go to war and used of nuclear weapons. Destroying its cities destroying the lives of The Young and The Unborn too much at stake the United States knows it the Chinese know it not thing is going to happen. The only thing we have to worry about is it crazy North Korea. But I could be wrong
North Korea, Iran and Seria. We have to nuke them all specially North Korea and Iran.
Putin is good. He is in the right direction . At the same time We can not fix the world till we do alittle fixing at home first. They will have to resolve themselves awhile. They be fighting for a years what is the urgency now? Even Russia will not take refregees in nor any of the Middle East.
Nuclear War will happen. Guaranteed. Read your bible. The Sixth Trumpet war (WWIII) starting at the river Euphrates kills off 1/3 of mankind and Biblical prophecy always comes to pass. Five trumpet wars have passed. The Sixth Trumpet War will most definitely have to be nuclear to kill off 1/3 of mankind.