Pelosi Forgets Which State Kasich Governs, Begs for Applause During Failed Speech

Nancy Pelosi just had a Jeb Bush moment.

Last year, during his failed presidential bid, Bush was forced to ask for applause during a speaking engagement. The “please clap” moment became a symbol of his fatally low-energy campaign.

This week, it was Pelosi’s turn to beg for applause from a less-than-enthusiastic audience.

During a Friday appearance before Families USA — the activist group fighting the repeal of Obamacare — Pelosi was seen repeating words, telling the audience when to clap and mistakingly said John Kasich was the governor of Illinois.

Pelosi began by thanking the person who introduced her for his “recanting of what happened at the time” Democrats and activist groups rammed through Obamacare.

She recalled telling her fellow Democrats that the Affordable Care Act was going to be a major achievement for government programs, and “stand there with Social Security and Medicare and Medicare,” apparently meaning to say “Medicaid.”

She attempted to butter up the audience by heaping praise on Families USA.

You can watch a a piece Nancy Pelosi’s failed speaking engagement in the video below:


Source: The American Mirror



  1. Eric Haulenbeek
  2. JimD
  3. Bruno Helloer

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