Since the ruling in Ferguson, Missouri, regarding Michael Brown and the officer involved in the case, law enforcement across the country have not only become the victims of constant media criticism, every morning they put on that uniform, they fear for their lives.
And, they’re right to do so. As Sheriff Mike Lewis from Wicomico County, MD put it, “Everybody’s scared to death to their job.”
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Well c**p,, I would be edgy too..
Too many Communist Crimals Out there wanting WAR/on All Americans /First It was the Military they pick on .Then its Police .//Then its Whites.Riots .Gee i done ever remember growing up seeing so much hate we have had in the last 3 yrs now.Sad that America doesnt understand what Communist stand for .And tahts why they pick on the Elders/Disabily Veterans /And thats not divideing the people of America.Greed also for there pockets has become more and more /because we the people have Voted these Evil people in to run America .Get smart people run them out Vote Right Teach your Children whats happening to this Country .God Bless America.Stand for all Rights.
Thats what the instagators are aiming for.
So sick of cop bashing and excuses for law breaking and whining when thugs get killed while trying to kill others !!!
Good. It’s about time they feel the fears the rest of us face in having to even see them THUGS