Obama met with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto last week to discuss the border crisis, yet he made no mention of Sgt. Tahmooressi whatsoever. Obama could free this man with a simple request, yet he won’t lift a finger.
No man left behind right? I guess there weren’t sufficient terrorists in Mexico that could be released in trade?
Meanwhile, bikers showing true American spirit have vowed to do whatever it takes to bring our Marine home.
“We’re all just freedom loving people and we just want to get our Marine back,” states one rider.
The bikers have left the border for now and state they will return in bigger numbers for the 4th of July. Got a bike? Why not ride with them? We will keep you informed how you can meet up with this band of patriots when we find out more about their upcoming ride.
The two Presidents spoke on Thursday about the border crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Van Susteren, who has been relentlessly reporting on the case, said there is “NO MENTION” in the readout about whether Obama spoke about Tahmooressi, who, as Breitbart News has noted, “accidentally crossed the Mexican border with guns in his truck” on March 31 before he was “promptly arrested, chained, and beaten by Mexican authorities.”
“I hope President Obama did not blow this one….did he mention Sgt. Tahmooressi to President Nieto or not?” Van Susteren wrote. “I am so hoping that President Obama had a ‘side conversation’ with and a promise by President Nieto that somehow is not part of the readout.”
Van Susteren said that, “the more I think about it, the more I am convinced that President Obama had to have said something, made some sort of deal…..he could not just ignore Sgt. Tahmooreesi, right? No one could ignore this, right?”
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said it seemed like Tahmooressi is the only person Obama does not want to cross the U.S.-Mexico border and emphasized that “it’s crappy that more hasn’t been done to help free this detained U.S. Marine” who has “suffered months in a Mexican jail for crossing the boarder into their country with registered arms.”
Source: breitbart.com
Photo: breitbart.com
Such a loser!
Obama didn’t mention Sgt. Tahmooressi because he is white. If he were black, Obama whould have had him out by now.
if he was a muslin
Releases a traitor/collaborator for 5 evil terrorists & our money. Doesn’t do anything for a honorable marine.
How do you know he didn’t mention the Marine?
Muslim Kisses Mexican Ass!
Nobama has no idea what it takes to be in the military service.
If nothing else , this is direct dereliction of duty . I know there is a lot else , but we can all agree to start there .
please listen…..get a gathering and boycott the source of laundering and evil….horses/quarter horse importation….usda has been compromised in their inspections due to threats…..get a gathering to boycott the very loose inspection process done on horses coming from mexico….the cartels launder their money at the tracks especially here in el paso….im trying to help and please listen….twist the arm of the usda which will put a hurt on the cash flow of the cartels which will put strain on the Mexican government whom will be forced to release this guy….trust me….please….take this route and people will listen to you guys not me….get the marine released this way and then it will open up the doors to view where the cartels are hiding the money as well….we need this…..muslims are not the threat as we thought…..the cartels are here in every city across the nation….act now
the muslims are not as much of a threat as what is already here….every damn cartel.