This president continues to show his indifference to the disasters facing the nation.
As record-breaking flood waters threaten to breach as many as 19 levees in the Midwest, President Obama is living it up in Hawaii. Currently on one of his many vacations, Obama apparently can’t be bothered by such an unpleasant development as mass flooding in the heart of the country.
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I wish lightning would come down to strike him
Hope he gets hit with a 100 MPH golf ball
Saddam invaded Kuwait in the early 90’s Jeff. What does that have to do with what we did in 2001? Lou, there was never any evidence that saddam sent his weapons to Syria. Hans blix was clear that Iraq had no viable wmd program and we ignored it.
Should have been hung years ago.
No Angel but he shouldn’t vacation and party so much, Doesn’t make a good image for our leader. He just acts like he doesnt care
has everyone notice when there are riots and there is trouble in America they send him Golfing they keep him away ///we all know why //so he doesnt answer ? without his so call person who tells him what too say and do and we all know she is Communist just like his other Communist Mentor he had at 12 yrs old