New Mandate Prohibits Questioning an Individual in Bathroom about their Sexual Orientation or Motives

New Mandate Prohibits Questioning an Individual in Bathroom about their Sexual Orientation or Motives

The safety of our children is at stake and the government seems to be promoting it. A new law has come into affect in Washington regarding the use of gender specific restrooms and locker rooms by people who identify themselves as transgender. Transgender is classified as a person whose self-identity does not conform to conventional notions of  the male or female physical body they were born with. Simply put, a person who looks male but identifies as female can now undress themselves in front of children or watch them undress.

Where will it end? The law also prohibits the owners and workers of these facilities from asking outright if a person is transgender before allowing them entry to an area that is gender specific. We’re no longer standing up for LGBT rights, we’re ignoring the comfort and safety of women and children in public places by allowing grown men entry to areas they previously were not allowed to go.

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