Muslims in Brooklyn Commandeer the Sidewalks to Pray

The chants of “A-laaa-hu-akbar…A-laaa-hu-akbar” infiltrated the air on March 3, 2016, as thousands of Muslims blocked a public sidewalk to pray. Brooklyn, the home to 70 mosques, 23 prayer spaces and 4 Muslim schools, has plenty of prayer space, yet on this day, they chose to inconvenience non-Muslims, by blocking the sidewalks and making it impossible to pass through without the fear of interruption and perhaps being unwelcome.

What is the intent behind this public behavior?

The real question you need to be asking is not why are Muslims praying, why are the praying on a public sidewalk, shutting the entire street down in the process? Isn’t that what their mosques are for, to assemble in large groups and pray to their god? Why is this being done in large numbers outside?

Last year, a huge group of Muslims took over another sidewalk out front of a movie theater, making it impossible for anyone to get past or to enter in to any of the stores they were blocking. Also last year, in Los Angeles, hundreds of Muslims simply commandeered the street to ‘pray” to their god as you will see in the video below.

Source:  Now The End Begins Truth and Action




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