The lame stream media is at it yet again. Nightly news programs top international stories is the refugee crisis, yet all the video associated with them are showing suffering woman and children, tear jerking images filled with moments to tug at the heartstrings.
Networks like the BBC and CNN are especially focusing on those images. But are they the whole story?
What in the hell will they do? The United states are already in debt to other country’s. Then….. How will they clean all of the illegal aliens out? Don’t forget those anchor babies either. The US is now like a slum house filled with $#%&!@*s.
Grammar Police Alert!!!!!!
multi culturalisum doesnt work , it just distroys the host who allows it in
Start shooting those savages!
Traitor-in-chief allowing them to come here next. Words on FB won’t stop them. We need our military to do that. We all know that won’t be allowed.
What you are not seeing but what is really happening!
Just so terrorists can get through…
Just like why isn’t the united States not doing that?
Where are the women and children? It should be obvious to all that Syria is sending jihadist and young men who will never assimilate and are here to cause whatever damage they can.