Michelle Obama: I Can’t Wait Until I’m Not “Responsible for Every Headline”

Michelle Obama: I Can’t Wait Until I’m Not “Responsible for Every Headline”

As it turns out, Michelle Obama is just as tired of being the White House as we are of having her there. That’s nice to know.

In an interview with Style Magazine, the 52-year-old first lady talking about life after leaving the White House in January. She claims to be looking forward to being average again. She’s about as good as telling the truth as Hillary Clinton, but we’ll indulge her for a moment.

If she’s really not a fan of being in the spotlight, why would she have been on the cover of Essence Magazine? Or how about the cover of Vogue, Glamour, and the many other journals she’s been featured on during her time in the White House? That doesn’t seem like somebody who doesn’t enjoy the limelight. And let’s talk about her several government programs that didn’t exactly take off as expected. Her attempt to make children eat healthy by ruining already bad menus in public school cafeterias was not only expensive but never talked about again after America’s disdain for it became public.

Find out why on the next page.

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