As painful as it is to listen to the man rantings, Michael Moore persists in his perpetual war on all things and persons conservative. It is so unfortunate that this man doesn’t have a real job where he has to show up and do something productive to chew up some of his time. Instead he spends his days making utterly preposterous statements.
This time he is demanding that the Democratic Party declare a “national emergency,” completely oblivious to the fact that there is no such thing, nor does anyone know what it would mean. It’s just something he wants as a means of attacking President Trump.
For more on this lunacy, see page two.
Out of curiosity, What would that accomplish?
How? There’s not enough Damnocrats in the House and Senate to shut the Government down.
This is the typical democratic, destroy America because they lost the election. this guy, moore is a disgrace to be an AMerican with the destruction he causes. we should quit wasting our time on the air head
another degenerate liberal glutton. how can this pos liberal justify being grossly obese while there are hungry people all over, or so they tell us. If you dont like the US and our laws fat slob go the fk back to canada
Quite simply MM is mentally unstable.