Mexican Drug Cartels Agree to Stop Assassinating Politicians Under One Condition

Mexican Drug Cartels Agree to Stop Assassinating Politicians Under One Condition

Mexican drug cartels take in somewhere between $19 and $29 billion annually from drug sales in the US. And the drug war has claimed more than 50,000 lives since 2006.

It doesn’t take too much brain power to realize that this enormous threat to our nation should be considered a clear and present danger to the lives of every American. The Transnational Criminal Organization (TCO), a term commonly used by government agencies to describe drug cartels, controls large swaths of territory across the United States regarding the drug trade.

Yet we have liberals screaming at the top of their lungs how Trump’s wall will harm all those immigrants that want to illegally cross our border. Talk about lack of brain power, somehow the lives law breaking aliens can’t be troubled too much, better let the nation’s children live with drug violence and unfathomable drain it places on our economy.

It seems they are totally fine with the United States morphing into Mexico, where priests are killed trying to get the drug cartel to stop murdering politicians.

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