McCain Rips Into Fox News Reporter for “Dumb Question”

John McCain was answering the questions of a bevy of reporters from different news networks.  At one point, he took a moment to pause when a very tall Fox News reporter stepped up and asked a very simple question about the relationship between the senator and President Trump.

Whatever it was about the question tweaked McCain and he suddenly unloaded on the hapless reporter who actually lowered his microphone from the Senator as he was publicly berated!

Take a look at the video below to see the entire episode unfold:

With the tax plan coming to the Congress floor in mere days, Republicans are up in the air as to what McCain will say and how he’ll vote.  The mainstream media has not been critical of the senator and has, in fact, applauded him for his stance against the policies of the president, covering his receipt of the Liberty Medal from the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia a couple nights ago from the hands of a beaming Joe Biden, whom McCain referred to as his “good friend.”

The alternative Right-wing media has a somewhat different take on the Senator, choosing to focus on his status as a “Maverick” when it comes to standing in opposition to his own party.

The Trump tax plan and budget are set to be hitting the floor of the Senate within a few days, as long as the support for passage is deemed to be there.



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