At a Thursday fundraiser dinner for an Islamic advocacy group, Attorney General Loretta Lynch urged Muslim parents to contact both the Dpartment of Justice and the Department of Education if their children are being “bullied” in school.
According to her, ever since 9/11 there has been backlash against the Muslim community that has resulted in similar issues. First of all, if you look at the massively encompassing definition of “bullying” created by the federal government and their overly sensitive supporters, you’ll find that the simple act of talking or even breathing as somebody in a manner they feel is negative is technically considered bullying.
Then there’s also the fact that she didn’t say the same for other religions, only Muslims. Never mind if you’re a Christian, Catholic, Jew, Hindu, etc. and you’re being bullied. The DOJ will only get involved if you’re Muslim.
Welcome to Middle East America, where the definitions of “equality” and “bullying” can fill an entire dictionary on their own.
Read about Lynch’s lawsuit threats on the next page.
Well, here goes the country again. She just gave the enemy another chance to use our laws against us through our children. Watch, some idiot will drum up a f**e insult and have some one’s child arrested. Bet they will be White.
Correct on all accounts.