Instagram and Twitter user have issued warnings that two Los Angeles gangs are wagering a bet to see which can kill 100 people in 100 days under the hastag #100Days100Nights.
The wager follows the death of a member of the Rollin 100 gang called “KP”. The first victim appears to have been a 4-year-old boy.
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There are village idiots, there, that need to be rounded up and imprisoned.
Double tap these mexs.
isn’t that neet ! the government wants to take our guns away but there’s guys are illegals , and their guns are to but no one will say a word
More Obama sons.
They can start with the Whitehouse and work their way through the Obama administration. That should give them their 100 goal.
Crazy loco’s
who are they after keep the 2nd amendment
Thugs and cowards. Not men at all, just childish cowardly vermin. Takes no skill or bravery to hide behind a gun and kill innocent people. These guys are the lowest form of life on the planet.
Well people in LA get your guns ready watch for these morons
They are SOME of the punks that need rounded up and stripped of their guns!