Recently leaked audio shows why Hillary Clinton is regarded as condescending and out of touch even by the people who should support her.
Newly-available audio from a private speech the Democratic candidate gave at a fundraiser in February gives us a look into how not only Hillary sees herself, but how she sees those who oppose her. As anyone could have told you, her perspective is as warped and self-serving as her policies are.
Imagining herself to fit somewhere “from the center-left to the center-right”, Hillary represented herself as the only thing standing between America and her rivals Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Her comments about the latter’sĀ supporters, while slightly less acerbic, were nonetheless patronizing.
Claiming to empathize with the young people who supported the senator from Vermont, Hillary followed this up by saying that many of them lived “in their parents’ basement” and lacked understanding of both politics and the economy.
Hear the audio for yourself on the next page:
Marianne I wonder where you get your info. Since president Obama took office, employment is up, stock market up, car industry up, everything is up. Housing up.
Margaret wrong. Hillary was referring to those making the racist comments and doing all the nasties that have been going on. Those things really are undeniable. Hillary wants free tuition for those whos parents make less than 125000. Research
Gary. Wrong. Research
That is so very wrong. Where do you get this c**p.
That’s so wrong. Research
I have done my research, Marleah Dailey, and I lived through all of it. She is a liar, a thief and a murderer.
There are nearly 95 million people unemployed or underemployed, Marleah Dailey. Obama administration’s manipulation of number is easy to verify IF you want accurate information. Stock market is the only thing up and if interest rates rise as they should, we will see hyperinflation because the market is being manipulates as are the interest rates. Car industry never paid back the billions they owe the American taxpayers, thus their numbers are up. Housing is up on variable rate loans again. If the interest rate goes up, many will again lose their houses. Your indicators all are surface indicators that were artificially manipulated and a deeper look will show this country is in trouble. But then you are defending a Democrat and lying is what they do.
Facts come from economists, not politicians.
Free anything means someone else pays for it Marleah Dailey. Free tuition is not worth the cost since it will be the middle-class who pays in higher taxes. Government interference in the school loan program singlehandedly cause the cost of higher education to go up. Research yourself. Getting your information from a politician is not getting fact, but getting their talking points which are nothing more than campaign promises.