Leak: Hillary Considers Email About Drug Used to Combat ‘Decision Fatigue’

Leak: Hillary Considers Email About Drug Used to Combat ‘Decision Fatigue’

Remember the term, “Clinton Fatigue”? It became popular during Bill’s presidency to describe how tiresome it was to hear of one Clinton scandal after another — a continuous flow of allegations of wrong-doing by not only the president, but by Mrs. Clinton as well.  If a week went by without some new nefarious activity surfacing, surely the media must have been missing it, or hiding it.

Leave it to Hillary to keep the tradition going. We’ve suffered through the infamous email scandal, and we can be sure its end is not in sight.  There is never a shortage of lies, fraud, and scandal when the Clintons are involved.

This time, though, it might just be Hillary who’s experiencing a new kind of fatigue.  While it’s just one more example of her unfitness to serve in any elected capacity, it also has a new twist to it.

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