Joint Chiefs Defiantly Sit in Disdain as Obama Declares America is the “most powerful nation on Earth” that “no nation dares to attack”

Multiple White House officials confirmed beforehand that the president would not be talking about the ten soldiers during his State of the Union address. Imagine the morale people would have after hearing that America is the greatest nation in the world . . . while Iran holds ten American soldiers hostage.

The President also dismissed claims that the fight against the Islamic State “is World War III” and instead argued that those alarmed by the rise of the terrorist group may be playing into their hands. “We don’t need to build them up to show that we’re serious, nor do we need to push away vital allies in this fight by echoing the lie that ISIL is representative of one of the world’s largest religions,” he stated. President Obama also noted that regions like “the Middle East, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, in parts of Central America, Africa and Asia” would be unstable without the presence of the Islamic State, though supporters of the group have been arrested in each of those regions and ISIS is significantly active in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Africa (Libya and Nigeria), and Asia (Afghanistan, Russia, and China).

The current state of American politics is reminiscent of J.J. Abrams once popular television show Fringe. Two universes are existing side by side, except President Obama seems to living in the one opposite of reality. However, it’s important to remember that television shows aren’t real . . . just like most of the things Obama says.

Take a look at the Joint Chief’s reaction to Obama insisting that we are the greatest military power in the world and that nobody dare attack us. It’s immensely telling. Obama has been hard at work destroying this nation’s armed forces with everything from firing hundreds of top commanders to letting our Army and Navy simply deteriorate to his attacks on Christianity. It’s no wonder that the Washington Times has stated that America is not only marginally capable of defending itself.




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