John Lewis: Trump ‘Made It Very Comfortable for People to Put on Those Hoods, Put on Those Sheets’

Rep. John Lewis believes Trump supporters are equivalent to the KKK, and President Trump their Grand Wizard.

Lewis said, “When we had this most recent election, it helped create the climate and environment to bring out something that had been a little asleep, and people feel like now they can just get away with doing everything.”

He continued, “What happened in Virginia made me very sad. We faced mobs, we faced the Klan, we faced overt, open racism during the ’60s. During the freedom rides in 1961, black people and white people couldn’t be seated together on a Greyhound bus, leaving Washington, D.C. to travel through the South. We were beaten, attempted to burn us on the bus, we were left bloody and unconscious by angry mobs.”

“When we attempted to march from Selma to Montgomery just for the right to vote, to protest in a peaceful, orderly, non-violent fashion, we were beaten by the state police and left bloody and some unconscious, and some of our people died,” Lewis added. “After the march on Washington in 1963, there was so much hope and optimism, but 18 days later, a church was bombed in Birmingham, where four little girls were killed on a Sunday morning. What we see happening now, it’s not new.”

Antifa and BLM are peaceful? Tell that to Ferguson and our Constitutional legal system (Are these people actually trying to get rid of our Constitution instead of hating the police?). Is that the real reason behind much of the backlash surrounding these riots or what else do we not know?

“The man (President Trump) that some people voted for just made it very comfortable for people to put on those hoods, put on those sheets, and I tell you, if we’re not mindful or watchful, we are going to go back. We’ve come too far, made too much progress to go back. I don’t want to go back. I want to go forward, and we must go forward.”

Really, America was perfect under former President Obama? None of these “deplorable” people existed until embolden or hoodwinked by President Trump?

Police kill more whites than blacks every year – which is in alignment with ethnic population demographics.

The majority of modern racism centers around invisible “micro-aggressions” and other trite offenses easily cured by growing a thicker (adult) skin.

But Rep Lewis wants us to believe that race relations under President Trump resemble the race riots of the 1960s?

What does that say in context to what we already know about Charlottesville and other “staged” recent race riots?

Source: Breitbart




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