Trump Jr. and John Legend, in a fight reminiscent of the old playground argument of ‘my dad is bigger than your dad’, broke out on Twitter. Legend called Donald Trump “a racist” to which Donald Jr. responded by telling Legend that he cannot pull the race card as the answer for everything.
The incident occurred after the rally in Chicago was called off due to the violent nature of the anti-Trump protesters. Donald Trump, Jr. tweeted that when questioned as to why the protesters were at the rally, they could not even give an explanation. His tweet read, “The participation medal/micro aggression generation is pretty sad!”
This of course did not set well with Legend who fired back, defending the protester’s motives, saying that Trump Jr.’s dad was racist.
Read more about the exchange on the next page.
No you are and your married to a white woman. You are a moron
Comming front the guy who just produced a new show about slavery.. Called ” the underground!”
Hey John Legend mind your own business, keep making movies about things you were never apart of in the first place. Stick to love songs. But otherwise keep your liberal advice to yourself please.
And you legend are a thug
Kiss my white 75 year old grits, John Legend!! Just because you are an entertainer, you think you kniw it all and si smart! You don’t know what you are talking about. Zip your lips. I honored that sorry ass Obama while he was President! So you should honor your current President. Like it or lump it! That Obama crew should be in prison now! So does Pelosi, Schumer, and others! I never seen such a corrupted Congress before!