Is the CIA Actively Planning a Public Biden Assassination?


The networks will be eagerly (and unknowingly) assisting in this setup by televising Biden’s final curtain call.  It will be a press conference covering the many crises that this hapless administration is facing…or it may be an interview with George Stephanopoulos or Katie Couric.  At one point, the president will appear to be ill at ease and possibly about to vomit.  His eyes will tear up and his voice will quaver.  He may step back from the microphone or look pleadingly to the aides and Dr. Jill behind the cameras.  The feed may or may not be cut suddenly, depending on how voracious the appetites of the various producers involved are, and Joseph Biden will collapse on screen.  This will not be a series of stumbles up the steps of an aircraft, however.  It will feel differently.  Mortal.  With finality.

The networks will be in a tizzy for hours on end as reports trickle in from the hospital that is tending to the president.  Vice President Harris will be said to be on “standby” for the possible inevitability of having to continue the Biden presidency with her own.  She will secretly be whisked away by the Obama and Clinton minions in order to be “prepped” for the eventual outcome.  She’ll be assured that this is just a precaution, in case the president doesn’t recover.  Of course, they will already know that the Biden presidency has been brought to a public end so that there can be no doubt.

The announcement will be made in every news outlet for days on end as seemingly saddened network anchors weep on camera and shake their heads in misery at the sad news.  The ratings for CNN and MSNBC will never be higher and Dr. Jill will be interviewed for weeks about his final hours in quiet resolve for the care and safety of the American people.  There will be cookie-cutter vignettes and documentaries already at the beck and call of the networks to be aired night and day while newly-minted President Harris will be lauded as the first woman president, the first woman-of-color president and the first Asian woman president, all in the same person.  Through all of this, the State-controlled media will ensure that the American people will completely forget that Harris was the very last choice of the Democrat party after being the very first to bow out of the campaign for the presidency following a dismal and amateurish showing.  They will work hard every single day to portray her as the magically transformed superhero of the Left.

Biden will become a blip in the history of US presidents.  No more will be said of his personal failures or scandal-ridden past, nor of the crises that arose during his months at the helm of this floundering nation, and he’ll be noted as a kind and selfless father figure.

The troubles for the Bidens will not end there.  Make no mistake, Hunter Biden and Joe’s siblings will not escape the furor of the Deep State.  Once the first puppet presidency has been effectively terminated, the Harris Department of Justice will begin a non-biased look at the family of the man she once very publicly shamed as racist.  Hunter and other Biden family members will fade from the radar of the compliant American media and eventually disappear from public view.  China will turn its efforts toward the neophyte president, hoping to garner some leverage with Harris now that their very valuable Biden bargaining chip has been eradicated.

Move to the final page for the reason this will very likely take place.




  1. Cali
  2. Paul

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