Is the CIA Actively Planning a Public Biden Assassination?


The CIA will have successfully (once again) destroyed an unpopular president through public assassination, but this time they will have done so without a shred of doubt that it was not a lone gunman or a disgruntled Communist sympathizer.  But, why now?

In very rapid form, as predicted by many in conventional wisdom, Biden has proven his incapability of leading a nation; not only because of his true nature and deceptive character.  This president has shown his inability to pull a nation together in a time when the shadow creatures have so successfully driven a wedge between those on the Right and the Left.  This is a permanent divide, too.  People believe that Donald Trump’s ascension was the beginning of this great division, but that is simply not true.  This push to create such hatred in the common American communities has been in the making since the political parties in the DC Swamp realized that strife among the people was the ultimate distraction from their true intentions.  As the pawns of the Deep State, politicians continued to play the part of the “champions of the people” in order to keep chaos in control over the masses.

Biden’s job was supposed to be simple:  he was a pliant foil who could easily mimic what he was instructed to say and do.  What every shadow creature in every dark corner of political power craves more than anything is a presidential-looking rube who will do exactly what he is told to do.  This was the plan and even those who had grudges against “Uncle Joe” were able to get on board with this plan.  For Obama loyalists, this was just more of the same…a continuation of Barry’s third term.  For the Clintons, it gave a small degree of consolation for the horrific and unforeseen loss that Hillary had faced in the firestorm of the 2016 election.  For Soros and the globalists, this was old hat.  These freaks had been involved in the toppling of nations for centuries.  This was merely another Jenga chip removed neatly from the crumbling and unstable tower.

The Deep State wrongly predicted that the hatred they had so expertly fomented in the Left for the wildly successful Trump presidency would eventually morph into the support for the dictatorial efforts of the Biden administration.  They believed that the cavalcade of misinformation and deception throughout the Trump years in office would be enough of a reason for people in both parties to be sufficiently exhausted, leading to a period of timidity and torpor.

As the polls continue to decline and Biden himself appears to be headed for the greatest tailspin of any presidency yet, the CIA planners are fretting.  How can they achieve their shadow dealings and strategies while a hyper-vigilant public watches them in such a heightened state of scrutiny?  They require another major upheaval in their plan…one event that will steer the public back into the Left lane of oncoming traffic, thereby completely ignoring the shadow creatures and their grand schemes.  What better event than a final solution?

With Biden a foregone memory, the Harris presidency gifts the Deep State with an invigorating shot in the arm.  The stark differences between the doddering old man and the hip, young woman will keep American audiences in check.  While it may not heal the rift of the great divide overnight, it will certainly soften the sentiments of those independents who have teetered on the edge of deciding that the DC Swamp is in fact the enemy of the people.  The American media and Hollywood of course will play a significant role in splashing President Harris’ face on every screen, magazine cover and newspaper front page around the globe.  That’s a freebie on the part of the loyal masses of the Leftists in charge of the public propaganda.  The public assassination of Joseph Biden is a win-win for the Deep State.

Some may argue that this was the plan all along.  Many predicted that “Uncle Joe” would step down when his time came and he would hand the crown over to his vice president-in-waiting.  It has become painfully obvious that Biden’s inadequacies far outweigh any peaceful transition of handing over a completely mishandled administration to a newbie whose only qualification for Leader of the Free World is that she follows orders in the truest respect; a vapid empty vessel ready to be filled with the vilest of the Deep State’s sludge.

The Harris presidency will begin and a new chapter in how tyranny can prosper will be written anew…all because Biden aides failed to notice that the new nurse tending to “Uncle Joe” had been as closely scrutinized and vetted as the Steele Dossier, the Uranium One deal, the 2020 Election results, the Epstein suicide, and the Kennedy one-bullet theory.

The vetting agency, of course, was the CIA.

Image: keoland



  1. Cali
  2. Paul

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